Resources to help set you up for success.
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Partner Profiles
Partner profiles are a way to bring people together around shared root causes. Partners provide basic information (name, organization, email address, and 1-2 sentences about the work you are doing within Jackson County) that will strengthen the Network's ability to tackle complex issues/problems and measure progress together. Update your profile using the button below.
Many network partners are actively working to address root cause priorities that will result in improved experiences for our residents. Are you interested in learning more about this work to help make Jackson County a healthy, safe, thriving community? Click the button below to search other partners' work/profiles.
Network partners contribute to progress on Shared Measurement System outcomes by aligning their action around shared goals and priorities. Documenting this alignment in an action plan creates transparency, supports accountability among partners, and makes it possible to track collective progress. Network staff are available to assist with the action planning process. Use the buttons below to explore current action plans and learn more about how to get started.
What progress is being made on our systems change priorities? We're glad you asked! We've created a simple, easy to use form partners can use to share the progress they are making. Tracking and reporting progress on individual and collective system change efforts helps measure the impact we're making together and supports communication among partners. Use the buttons below to submit Wins and see what others are accomplishing. Submissions are reviewed by network staff to align Wins with the Shared Measurement System Framework before publishing.
Need help or advice creating your action plan or just have a few questions? Request a consultation with one of our Network Consultants here.
Find Network resources at your fingertips through our online Library. Search, sort or browse to find orientation materials, data and reports, action planning tools and resources, and more.